Chocolate and Rapsberry Tart Recipe: Recipe-IDEAS

Chocolate and Rapsberry Tart

A truly luxurious tart, this recipe is ideal for celebrations

Ready in:
 60 mins +

Cost Cutting

For the chocolate pastry
  • 175g plain flour
  • 15g cocoa powder
  • 50g caster sugar
  • 100g butter, diced
  • 2 free-range egg yolks
For the filling
  • 250ml double cream
  • 125ml semi-skimmed milk
  • 150g dark chocolate, broken into pieces
  • 2 medium free-range eggs
  • 65g caster sugar
  • ½ tsp vanilla bean paste or extract
  • 175g pack fresh raspberries
  • extra raspberries and sifted cocoa powder
  • 1

    Sift the flour and cocoa, add the sugar and the butter and rub with your fingertips.

  • 2

    Stir in the yolks and gradually bring it together, squeezing with fingertips and bring together to form a ball. Add a little cold water.

  • 3

    Knead the pastry lightly and roll out thinly on a lightly floured surface. Lift the pastry over a rolling pin and then drape into a 24cm fluted flan tin that is 2.5cm deep. Ease the pastry into the tin, pressing into the flutes. Trim a little above the top of the tin. Prick the base with a fork and chill for 30 minutes.

  • 4

    Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5. Transfer the chilled tart tin to a baking sheet, line the pastry case with large square of baking paper and fill with baking beans. Cook for ten minutes. Carefully lift the paper and beans out of the pastry case and cook for 5-10 more minutes until the base is crisp.

  • 5

    Pour the cream and milk into a pan, bring just to the boil, take off the heat and add the chocolate. Leave until melted. Whisk the eggs, sugar and vanilla together until smooth and gradually whisk in the warm chocolate milk.

  • 6

    Sprinkle the raspberries over the base. Strain the chocolate cream into the case and cook in the oven reduced to 160C/325F/Gas 3 for 25-30 minutes or until just set. Leave to cool.

  • 7

    Remove the tin, sprinkle a few extra raspberries over the top and decorate with a little sifted cocoa. Cut into slices to serve.

  • PER SERVING: 41.3g FAT (Excluding extras)

Chocolate and Rapsberry Tart was taken from COOK VEGETARIAN

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