Pink Lady Chocolate Apples
- 100g chocolate, finely chopped (use milk,
- plain, or white or a mixture)
- 6 Pink Lady apples
- 6 long lolly sticks (available at kitchen
- shops, online and some supermarkets)
How To Cook
- Add a few centimetres of water to a small saucepan and set on the hob over a medium heat and bring up to the boil.
- Put the chocolate in a small heatproof bowl, using separate bowls for different colours of chocolate – a sturdy Pyrex one is ideal. Once the water in the pan is boiling, set the bowl on top ensuring the base doesn’t actually touch the water.
- Turn off the heat and allow the chocolate to melt gently, stirring as it does so. If the chocolate has been finely chopped this should only take a minute or so.
- Pierce the centre of each apple, just next to the stalk, and insert a lolly stick in deep so that it feels firmly embedded. Line a baking sheet with a piece of greaseproof paper and spread the apples out on it.
- Use a teaspoon to drizzle thin trails of chocolate around each apple. Set back on the tray and repeat with the other apples. Set aside somewhere cool to set.

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