
Pomegranate Topped Rice Pudding

Ready in:
 60 mins +

for the rice pudding
  • 110g pudding rice
  • 400g evaporated milk
  • 570ml milk
  • 40g sugar
  • grated nutmeg
  • knob of butter
for the topping
  • zest of one orange
  • seeds from a Ruby Red pomegranate
  • grated dark chocolate
  • 1

    Preheat the oven to 150C/300F/Gas 2. Start by putting the rice and sugar into a deep ovenproof dish, then stir together the two milks and the grated nutmeg in a jug, before pouring this over the top of the rice. Stir again.

  • 2

    Dot little bits of butter over the top of the mixture, then place the dish in the oven for around half an hour, stir well, then put it back in for another half hour.

  • 3

    Stir again, then return to the oven for up to 60 minutes, until a brown skin forms and the rice is soft and fluffy.

  • 4

    Serve into bowls and top each with a quarter of the orange zest, lots of grated chocolate and a generous scattering of pomegranate seeds. Enjoy!

Pomegranate Topped Rice Pudding was taken from COOK VEGETARIAN

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