Hearty Potato Soup Recipe: Recipe-IDEAS

Hearty Potato Soup

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 15 to 30 mins

Cost Cutting Eco Friendly Freezes Well Gluten Free‏ Quick Make

  • 450g Maris Piper potatoes, peeled
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 20g polyunsaturated margarine
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 850ml hot gluten-free vegetable stock
  • 150ml milk
  • chives, chopped, to serve
  • 1

    Heat the olive oil and butter in a large saucepan. Once the butter has melted, add the onion and bay leaves. Sauté for about five minutes until the onion has softened, but not coloured.

  • 2

    Meanwhile cut the potatoes into rough 2cm pieces then add to the pan along with the garlic. Stir to coat in the butter then cover with a lid. Cook over a low-medium heat for about eight minutes stirring once or twice to prevent the potato sticking to the base of the pan.

  • 3

    Stir in the mustard and pour in the stock, then bring to a simmer and cook with the lid off for 12 minutes until the spuds are cooked through.

  • 4

    Remove from the heat and take out the bay leaves. Cool slightly before adding the milk and then blend well in a food processor or liquidiser until completely smooth.

  • 5

    Season to taste and serve hot, garnished with chopped chives and a twist of black pepper.

  • PER SERVING: 8.3g FAT (Excluding extras)

Hearty Potato Soup Recipe: Recipe-IDEAS

Hearty Potato Soup was taken from COOK VEGETARIAN

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