
Blueberry Hot cakes

Ready in:
 15 to 30 mins

  • 175g self-raising flour
  • 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 2 free-range eggs
  • 150g natural yoghurt
  • 150ml milk
  • 100g blueberries, plus extra to serve
  • grated rind of half an orange
  • oil, for greasing
  • butter and maple syrup, to serve
  • 1

    Place the flour and bicarbonate of soda in a large mixing bowl, then add the eggs and natural yoghurt. Slowly whisk in the milk little by little, whisking all the time until the mixture starts to become smooth and frothy. Stir in the blueberries and orange rind.

  • 2

    Pour a little oil into a large non-stick frying pan, then wipe around the pan with a folded piece of kitchen towel to spread it around evenly.

  • 3

    Heat up the pan then carefully drop large spoonfuls of the mixture into the pan, well spaced apart, and cook until tiny bubbles begin to appear on the top and the undersides are golden around the edges.

  • 4

    Turn over and cook the second sides until golden. Remove from the pan and keep hot in a folded teacloth while you cook the rest of the mixture in the same way, greasing the pan with the kitchen towel between batches.

  • 5

    Serve 3-4 hot cakes per portion, stacked up on plates and topped with a knob of butter, a drizzle of maple syrup and some extra blueberries.

Blueberry Hot cakes was taken from COOK VEGETARIAN

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